Process improvement services

Get your processes on the right track

We can help unravel the knots on your processes

BRIGHT Process Troubleshooting

The processes and procedures within your company will often become less effective as your business develops.

Modification or redesign of procedures can take a back seat to the day to day demands of your customers.  This has a knock on effect on your ability to provide a good service as your people battle inefficiencies, work rounds and out dated systems.

Consultancies may offer you a one-size-fits-all solution but will expect you to undertake a major project utilising your already hard pressed resources to do all the work. We are happy to focus on your specific problem and come up with a solution especially for you.

Process and Project Solutions has a wealth of experience in introducing effective, non-bureaucratic procedures. If you have bottle-necks in your process, badly coordinated systems or inefficient procedures, point us at the problem. We will develop a solution and implement it, leaving you to take care of your customers.

Innovative design techniques

We get your procedures up and running quickly.


Effective procedures that give users an easy route to providing quality customer service.


Non-bureaucratic and straight-forward solutions.

We do the hard work

We don’t expect you to form a ‘team’ to do the actual work.

Products and Services

Book a half day session and focus on getting a quick solution to a specific problem.

Learn more about our 1 to 1 Troubleshooting Sessions

ZOOM ‘Get It Done’ Sessions

Take our half day seminar and learn a new approach to running meetings.

Learn more about our effective meeting solutions.

FOCUS Meetings

Tailor our project management service to your needs and get a cost-effective delivery.

Learn more about our Project Management Services.

FLEX Project Management

0118 981 6798

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